Turn pylibmc into a shallow package

This commit is contained in:
lericson 2010-09-17 20:17:40 +02:00
parent a3605ca55f
commit 9d4b01ff4d
7 changed files with 349 additions and 308 deletions

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@ -1,307 +0,0 @@
"""Snappy libmemcached wrapper
pylibmc is a Python wrapper around TangentOrg's libmemcached library.
The interface is intentionally made as close to python-memcached as possible,
so that applications can drop-in replace it.
Example usage
Create a connection and configure it::
>>> import pylibmc
>>> mc = pylibmc.Client([""], binary=True)
>>> mc.behaviors = {"tcp_nodelay": True, "ketama": True}
Basic operation::
>>> mc.set("some_key", "Some value")
>>> value = mc.get("some_key")
>>> value
'Some value'
>>> mc.set("another_key", 3)
>>> mc.delete("another_key")
>>> mc.set("key", "1") # str or int is fine
Atomic increments and decrements::
>>> mc.incr("key")
>>> mc.decr("key")
Batch operation::
>>> mc.get_multi(["key", "another_key"])
{'key': '1'}
>>> mc.set_multi({"cats": ["on acid", "furry"], "dogs": True})
>>> mc.get_multi(["cats", "dogs"])
{'cats': ['on acid', 'furry'], 'dogs': True}
>>> mc.delete_multi(["cats", "dogs", "nonextant"])
>>> mc.add_multi({"cats": ["on acid", "furry"], "dogs": True})
>>> mc.get_multi(["cats", "dogs"])
{'cats': ['on acid', 'furry'], 'dogs': True}
>>> mc.add_multi({"cats": "not set", "dogs": "definitely not set", "bacon": "yummy"})
['cats', 'dogs']
>>> mc.get_multi(["cats", "dogs", "bacon"])
{'cats': ['on acid', 'furry'], 'bacon': 'yummy', 'dogs': True}
>>> mc.delete_multi(["cats", "dogs", "bacon"])
Further Reading
See http://sendapatch.se/projects/pylibmc/
from __future__ import with_statement
import _pylibmc
from Queue import Queue
__all__ = ["hashers", "distributions", "Client"]
__version__ = _pylibmc.__version__
support_compression = _pylibmc.support_compression
errors = tuple(e for (n, e) in _pylibmc.exceptions)
# *Cough* Uhm, not the prettiest of things but this unpacks all exception
# objects and sets them on the very module object currently constructed.
import sys
modself = sys.modules[__name__]
for name, exc in _pylibmc.exceptions:
setattr(modself, name, exc)
hashers, hashers_rvs = {}, {}
distributions, distributions_rvs = {}, {}
# Not the prettiest way of doing things, but works well.
for name in dir(_pylibmc):
if name.startswith("hash_"):
key, value = name[5:], getattr(_pylibmc, name)
hashers[key] = value
hashers_rvs[value] = key
elif name.startswith("distribution_"):
key, value = name[13:].replace("_", " "), getattr(_pylibmc, name)
distributions[key] = value
distributions_rvs[value] = key
class BehaviorDict(dict):
def __init__(self, client, *args, **kwds):
super(BehaviorDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
self.client = client
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
super(BehaviorDict, self).__setitem__(name, value)
self.client.set_behaviors({name: value})
def update(self, d):
super(BehaviorDict, self).update(d)
class Client(_pylibmc.client):
def __init__(self, servers, binary=False):
"""Initialize a memcached client instance.
This connects to the servers in *servers*, which will default to being
TCP servers. If it looks like a filesystem path, a UNIX socket. If
prefixed with `udp:`, a UDP connection.
If *binary* is True, the binary memcached protocol is used.
self.binary = binary
self.addresses = list(servers)
addr_tups = []
for server in servers:
addr = server
port = 11211
if server.startswith("udp:"):
stype = _pylibmc.server_type_udp
addr = addr[4:]
if ":" in server:
(addr, port) = addr.split(":", 1)
port = int(port)
elif ":" in server:
stype = _pylibmc.server_type_tcp
(addr, port) = server.split(":", 1)
port = int(port)
elif "/" in server:
stype = _pylibmc.server_type_unix
port = 0
stype = _pylibmc.server_type_tcp
addr_tups.append((stype, addr, port))
super(Client, self).__init__(servers=addr_tups, binary=binary)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%r, binary=%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
self.addresses, self.binary)
def __str__(self):
addrs = ", ".join(map(str, self.addresses))
return "<%s for %s, binary=%r>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
addrs, self.binary)
def get_behaviors(self):
"""Gets the behaviors from the underlying C client instance.
Reverses the integer constants for `hash` and `distribution` into more
understandable string values. See *set_behaviors* for info.
bvrs = super(Client, self).get_behaviors()
bvrs["hash"] = hashers_rvs[bvrs["hash"]]
bvrs["distribution"] = distributions_rvs[bvrs["distribution"]]
return BehaviorDict(self, bvrs)
def set_behaviors(self, behaviors):
"""Sets the behaviors on the underlying C client instance.
Takes care of morphing the `hash` key, if specified, into the
corresponding integer constant (which the C client expects.) If,
however, an unknown value is specified, it's passed on to the C client
(where it most surely will error out.)
This also happens for `distribution`.
behaviors = behaviors.copy()
if behaviors.get("hash") is not None:
behaviors["hash"] = hashers[behaviors["hash"]]
if behaviors.get("ketama_hash") is not None:
behaviors["ketama_hash"] = hashers[behaviors["ketama_hash"]]
if behaviors.get("distribution") is not None:
behaviors["distribution"] = distributions[behaviors["distribution"]]
return super(Client, self).set_behaviors(behaviors)
behaviors = property(get_behaviors, set_behaviors)
def behaviours(self):
raise AttributeError("nobody uses british spellings")
def clone(self):
obj = super(Client, self).clone()
obj.addresses = list(self.addresses)
obj.binary = self.binary
return obj
from contextlib import contextmanager
class ClientPool(Queue):
"""Client pooling helper.
This is mostly useful in threaded environments, because a client isn't
thread-safe at all. Instead, what you want to do is have each thread use
its own client, but you don't want to reconnect these all the time.
The solution is a pool, and this class is a helper for that.
>>> mc = Client([""])
>>> pool = ClientPool()
>>> pool.fill(mc, 4)
>>> with pool.reserve() as mc:
... mc.set("hi", "ho")
... mc.delete("hi")
def __init__(self, mc=None, n_slots=None):
Queue.__init__(self, n_slots)
if mc is not None:
self.fill(mc, n_slots)
def reserve(self, timeout=None):
"""Context manager for reserving a client from the pool.
If *timeout* is given, it specifiecs how long to wait for a client to
become available.
mc = self.get(True, timeout=timeout)
yield mc
def fill(self, mc, n_slots):
"""Fill *n_slots* of the pool with clones of *mc*."""
for i in xrange(n_slots):
class ThreadMappedPool(dict):
"""Much like the *ClientPool*, helps you with pooling.
In a threaded environment, you'd most likely want to have a client per
thread. And there'd be no harm in one thread keeping the same client at all
times. So, why not map threads to clients? That's what this class does.
If a client is reserved, this class checks for a key based on the current
thread, and if none exists, clones the master client and inserts that key.
>>> mc = Client([""])
>>> pool = ThreadMappedPool(mc)
>>> with pool.reserve() as mc:
... mc.set("hi", "ho")
... mc.delete("hi")
def __new__(cls, master):
return super(ThreadMappedPool, cls).__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
def reserve(self):
"""Reserve a client.
Creates a new client based on the master client if none exists for the
current thread.
key = thread.get_ident()
mc = self.pop(key, None)
if mc is None:
mc = self.master.clone()
yield mc
self[key] = mc
# This makes sure ThreadMappedPool doesn't exist with non-thread Pythons.
import thread
except ImportError:
del ThreadMappedPool
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
import code
svr_addrs = []
sys.stderr.write("pylibmc interactive shell\n\n")
sys.stderr.write("Input list of servers, end by a blank line\n")
binary = False
if sys.argv[1:] == ["--binary"]:
binary = True
while True:
in_addr = raw_input("Address: ")
if not in_addr:
if not svr_addrs:
mc = Client(svr_addrs, binary=binary)
code.interact(banner="\nmc client available as `mc`", local={"mc": mc})

pylibmc/__init__.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
"""Snappy libmemcached wrapper
pylibmc is a Python wrapper around TangentOrg's libmemcached library.
The interface is intentionally made as close to python-memcached as possible,
so that applications can drop-in replace it.
Example usage
Create a connection and configure it::
>>> import pylibmc
>>> mc = pylibmc.Client([""], binary=True)
>>> mc.behaviors = {"tcp_nodelay": True, "ketama": True}
Basic operation::
>>> mc.set("some_key", "Some value")
>>> value = mc.get("some_key")
>>> value
'Some value'
>>> mc.set("another_key", 3)
>>> mc.delete("another_key")
>>> mc.set("key", "1") # str or int is fine
Atomic increments and decrements::
>>> mc.incr("key")
>>> mc.decr("key")
Batch operation::
>>> mc.get_multi(["key", "another_key"])
{'key': '1'}
>>> mc.set_multi({"cats": ["on acid", "furry"], "dogs": True})
>>> mc.get_multi(["cats", "dogs"])
{'cats': ['on acid', 'furry'], 'dogs': True}
>>> mc.delete_multi(["cats", "dogs", "nonextant"])
>>> mc.add_multi({"cats": ["on acid", "furry"], "dogs": True})
>>> mc.get_multi(["cats", "dogs"])
{'cats': ['on acid', 'furry'], 'dogs': True}
>>> mc.add_multi({"cats": "not set", "dogs": "definitely not set", "bacon": "yummy"})
['cats', 'dogs']
>>> mc.get_multi(["cats", "dogs", "bacon"])
{'cats': ['on acid', 'furry'], 'bacon': 'yummy', 'dogs': True}
>>> mc.delete_multi(["cats", "dogs", "bacon"])
Further Reading
See http://sendapatch.se/projects/pylibmc/
import _pylibmc
from .consts import hashers, distributions
from .client import Client
from .pools import ClientPool, ThreadMappedPool
support_compression = _pylibmc.support_compression
__version__ = _pylibmc.__version__
__all__ = ["hashers", "distributions", "Client",
"ClientPool", "ThreadMappedPool"]

pylibmc/__main__.py Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
"""Interactive shell"""
import sys
import code
import random
import pylibmc
tips = [
"Want to use Just hit Enter immediately.",
"This was supposed to be a list of tips but I...",
"I don't really know what to write here.",
"Really, hit Enter immediately and you'll connect to",
"Did you know there's a --binary flag? Try it!",
"Want to use binary mode? Pass --binary as a sole argument."
def print_header(outf=sys.stdout):
outf.write("pylibmc interactive shell\n\n")
outf.write("Input list of servers, terminating by a blank line.\n")
outf.write(random.choice(tips) + "\n")
def collect_servers():
in_addr = raw_input("Address []: ")
while in_addr:
in_addr = raw_input("Address [<stop>]: ")
if in_addr:
yield in_addr
yield ""
banner = ("\nmc client available as `mc`\n"
"memface available as mf")
def interact(servers, banner=banner, binary=False):
mc = pylibmc.Client(servers, binary=binary)
mf = pylibmc.Memface(servers, binary=binary)
local = {"pylibmc": pylibmc,
"mf": mf, "mc": mc}
code.interact(banner=banner, local=local)
def main():
binary = False
if sys.argv[1:] == ["--binary"]:
binary = True
interact(list(collect_servers()), binary=binary)
if __name__ == "__main__":

pylibmc/client.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
"""Python-level wrapper client"""
import _pylibmc
from .consts import (hashers, distributions,
hashers_rvs, distributions_rvs,
class Client(_pylibmc.client):
def __init__(self, servers, binary=False):
"""Initialize a memcached client instance.
This connects to the servers in *servers*, which will default to being
TCP servers. If it looks like a filesystem path, a UNIX socket. If
prefixed with `udp:`, a UDP connection.
If *binary* is True, the binary memcached protocol is used.
self.binary = binary
self.addresses = list(servers)
addr_tups = []
for server in servers:
addr = server
port = 11211
if server.startswith("udp:"):
stype = _pylibmc.server_type_udp
addr = addr[4:]
if ":" in server:
(addr, port) = addr.split(":", 1)
port = int(port)
elif ":" in server:
stype = _pylibmc.server_type_tcp
(addr, port) = server.split(":", 1)
port = int(port)
elif "/" in server:
stype = _pylibmc.server_type_unix
port = 0
stype = _pylibmc.server_type_tcp
addr_tups.append((stype, addr, port))
super(Client, self).__init__(servers=addr_tups, binary=binary)
def __repr__(self):
return "%s(%r, binary=%r)" % (self.__class__.__name__,
self.addresses, self.binary)
def __str__(self):
addrs = ", ".join(map(str, self.addresses))
return "<%s for %s, binary=%r>" % (self.__class__.__name__,
addrs, self.binary)
def get_behaviors(self):
"""Gets the behaviors from the underlying C client instance.
Reverses the integer constants for `hash` and `distribution` into more
understandable string values. See *set_behaviors* for info.
bvrs = super(Client, self).get_behaviors()
bvrs["hash"] = hashers_rvs[bvrs["hash"]]
bvrs["distribution"] = distributions_rvs[bvrs["distribution"]]
return BehaviorDict(self, bvrs)
def set_behaviors(self, behaviors):
"""Sets the behaviors on the underlying C client instance.
Takes care of morphing the `hash` key, if specified, into the
corresponding integer constant (which the C client expects.) If,
however, an unknown value is specified, it's passed on to the C client
(where it most surely will error out.)
This also happens for `distribution`.
behaviors = behaviors.copy()
if behaviors.get("hash") is not None:
behaviors["hash"] = hashers[behaviors["hash"]]
if behaviors.get("ketama_hash") is not None:
behaviors["ketama_hash"] = hashers[behaviors["ketama_hash"]]
if behaviors.get("distribution") is not None:
behaviors["distribution"] = distributions[behaviors["distribution"]]
return super(Client, self).set_behaviors(behaviors)
behaviors = property(get_behaviors, set_behaviors)
def behaviours(self):
raise AttributeError("nobody uses british spellings")
def clone(self):
obj = super(Client, self).clone()
obj.addresses = list(self.addresses)
obj.binary = self.binary
return obj

pylibmc/consts.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
"""Constants and functionality related to them"""
import _pylibmc
#: Mapping of
errors = tuple(e for (n, e) in _pylibmc.exceptions)
# *Cough* Uhm, not the prettiest of things but this unpacks all exception
# objects and sets them on the package module object currently constructed.
import sys
modpkg = sys.modules[__package__]
modself = sys.modules[__package__]
for name, exc in _pylibmc.exceptions:
setattr(modself, name, exc)
setattr(modpkg, name, exc)
hashers, hashers_rvs = {}, {}
distributions, distributions_rvs = {}, {}
# Not the prettiest way of doing things, but works well.
for name in dir(_pylibmc):
if name.startswith("hash_"):
key, value = name[5:], getattr(_pylibmc, name)
hashers[key] = value
hashers_rvs[value] = key
elif name.startswith("distribution_"):
key, value = name[13:].replace("_", " "), getattr(_pylibmc, name)
distributions[key] = value
distributions_rvs[value] = key
class BehaviorDict(dict):
def __init__(self, client, *args, **kwds):
super(BehaviorDict, self).__init__(*args, **kwds)
self.client = client
def __setitem__(self, name, value):
super(BehaviorDict, self).__setitem__(name, value)
self.client.set_behaviors({name: value})
def update(self, d):
super(BehaviorDict, self).update(d)

pylibmc/pools.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
from __future__ import with_statement
from contextlib import contextmanager
from Queue import Queue
class ClientPool(Queue):
"""Client pooling helper.
This is mostly useful in threaded environments, because a client isn't
thread-safe at all. Instead, what you want to do is have each thread use
its own client, but you don't want to reconnect these all the time.
The solution is a pool, and this class is a helper for that.
>>> mc = Client([""])
>>> pool = ClientPool()
>>> pool.fill(mc, 4)
>>> with pool.reserve() as mc:
... mc.set("hi", "ho")
... mc.delete("hi")
def __init__(self, mc=None, n_slots=None):
Queue.__init__(self, n_slots)
if mc is not None:
self.fill(mc, n_slots)
def reserve(self, timeout=None):
"""Context manager for reserving a client from the pool.
If *timeout* is given, it specifiecs how long to wait for a client to
become available.
mc = self.get(True, timeout=timeout)
yield mc
def fill(self, mc, n_slots):
"""Fill *n_slots* of the pool with clones of *mc*."""
for i in xrange(n_slots):
class ThreadMappedPool(dict):
"""Much like the *ClientPool*, helps you with pooling.
In a threaded environment, you'd most likely want to have a client per
thread. And there'd be no harm in one thread keeping the same client at all
times. So, why not map threads to clients? That's what this class does.
If a client is reserved, this class checks for a key based on the current
thread, and if none exists, clones the master client and inserts that key.
>>> mc = Client([""])
>>> pool = ThreadMappedPool(mc)
>>> with pool.reserve() as mc:
... mc.set("hi", "ho")
... mc.delete("hi")
def __new__(cls, master):
return super(ThreadMappedPool, cls).__new__(cls)
def __init__(self, master):
self.master = master
def reserve(self):
"""Reserve a client.
Creates a new client based on the master client if none exists for the
current thread.
key = thread.get_ident()
mc = self.pop(key, None)
if mc is None:
mc = self.master.clone()
yield mc
self[key] = mc
# This makes sure ThreadMappedPool doesn't exist with non-thread Pythons.
import thread
except ImportError:
ThreadMappedPool = None

View File

@ -74,4 +74,4 @@ setup(name="pylibmc", version=version,
license="3-clause BSD <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.php>",
description="Quick and small memcached client for Python",
ext_modules=[pylibmc_ext], py_modules=["pylibmc"])
ext_modules=[pylibmc_ext], packages=["pylibmc"])