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# The contents of this file are subject to the BitTorrent Open Source License
# Version 1.1 (the License). You may not copy or use this file, in either
# source code or executable form, except in compliance with the License. You
# may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
import khashmir, knode
from actions import *
from khash import newID
from krpc import KRPCProtocolError, KRPCFailSilently
from cache import Cache
from sha import sha
from util import *
from threading import Thread
from socket import gethostbyname
from const import *
from kstore import sample
TOKEN_UPDATE_INTERVAL = 5 * 60 # five minutes
NUM_PEERS = 50 # number of peers to return
class UTNode(knode.KNodeBase):
def announcePeer(self, info_hash, port, khashmir_id):
assert type(port) == type(1)
assert type(info_hash) == type('')
assert type(khashmir_id) == type('')
assert len(info_hash) == 20
assert len(khashmir_id) == 20
token = self.table.tcache[]
token = None
if token:
assert type(token) == type("")
assert len(token) == 20
df = self.conn().sendRequest('announce_peer', {'info_hash':info_hash,
raise KRPCProtocolError("no write token for node")
return df
def getPeers(self, info_hash, khashmir_id):
df = self.conn().sendRequest('get_peers', {'info_hash':info_hash, 'id':khashmir_id})
return df
def checkSender(self, dict):
d = knode.KNodeBase.checkSender(self, dict)
self.table.tcache[d['rsp']['id']] = d['rsp']['token']
except KeyError:
return d
class UTStoreValue(StoreValue):
def callNode(self, node, f):
return f(, self.value, node.token,
class UTKhashmir(khashmir.KhashmirBase):
_Node = UTNode
def setup(self, host, port, data_dir, rlcount, checkpoint=True):
khashmir.KhashmirBase.setup(self, host, port,data_dir, rlcount, checkpoint)
self.cur_token = self.last_token = sha('')
self.tcache = Cache()
def expire_cached_tokens(self, loop=False):
self.tcache.expire(time() - TOKEN_UPDATE_INTERVAL)
if loop:
self.rawserver.external_add_task(self.expire_cached_tokens, TOKEN_UPDATE_INTERVAL, (True,))
def gen_token(self, loop=False):
self.last_token = self.cur_token
self.cur_token = sha(newID())
if loop:
self.rawserver.external_add_task(self.gen_token, TOKEN_UPDATE_INTERVAL, (True,))
def get_token(self, host, port):
x = self.cur_token.copy()
x.update("%s%s" % (host, port))
h = x.digest()
return h
def val_token(self, token, host, port):
x = self.cur_token.copy()
x.update("%s%s" % (host, port))
a = x.digest()
if token == a:
return True
x = self.last_token.copy()
x.update("%s%s" % (host, port))
b = x.digest()
if token == b:
return True
return False
def addContact(self, host, port, callback=None):
# use dns on host, then call khashmir.addContact
Thread(target=self._get_host, args=[host, port, callback]).start()
def _get_host(self, host, port, callback):
ip = gethostbyname(host)
self.rawserver.external_add_task(self._got_host, 0, (host, port, callback))
def _got_host(self, host, port, callback):
khashmir.KhashmirBase.addContact(self, host, port, callback)
def announcePeer(self, info_hash, port, callback=None):
""" stores the value for key in the global table, returns immediately, no status
in this implementation, peers respond but don't indicate status to storing values
a key can have many values
def _storeValueForKey(nodes, key=info_hash, value=port, response=callback , table=self.table):
if not response:
# default callback
def _storedValueHandler(sender):
action = UTStoreValue(self, key, value, response, self.rawserver.add_task, "announcePeer")
self.rawserver.external_add_task(action.goWithNodes, 0, (nodes,))
# this call is asynch
self.findNode(info_hash, _storeValueForKey)
def krpc_announce_peer(self, info_hash, port, id, token, _krpc_sender):
sender = {'id' : id}
sender['host'] = _krpc_sender[0]
sender['port'] = _krpc_sender[1]
if not self.val_token(token, sender['host'], sender['port']):
raise KRPCProtocolError("Invalid Write Token")
value = compact_peer_info(_krpc_sender[0], port)[info_hash] = value
n = self.Node().initWithDict(sender)
self.insertNode(n, contacted=0)
return {"id" :}
def retrieveValues(self, key):
except KeyError:
l = []
return l
def getPeers(self, info_hash, callback, searchlocal = 1):
""" returns the values found for key in global table
callback will be called with a list of values for each peer that returns unique values
final callback will be an empty list - probably should change to 'more coming' arg
nodes = self.table.findNodes(info_hash, invalid=True)
l = [x for x in nodes if x.invalid]
if len(l) > 4:
nodes = sample(l , 4) + self.table.findNodes(info_hash, invalid=False)[:4]
# get locals
if searchlocal:
l = self.retrieveValues(info_hash)
if len(l) > 0:
self.rawserver.external_add_task(callback, 0, ([reducePeers(l)],))
l = []
# create our search state
state = GetValue(self, info_hash, callback, self.rawserver.add_task, 'getPeers')
self.rawserver.external_add_task(state.goWithNodes, 0, (nodes, l))
def getPeersAndAnnounce(self, info_hash, port, callback, searchlocal = 1):
""" returns the values found for key in global table
callback will be called with a list of values for each peer that returns unique values
final callback will be an empty list - probably should change to 'more coming' arg
nodes = self.table.findNodes(info_hash, invalid=False)
nodes += self.table.findNodes(info_hash, invalid=True)
# get locals
if searchlocal:
l = self.retrieveValues(info_hash)
if len(l) > 0:
self.rawserver.external_add_task(callback, 0, ([reducePeers(l)],))
l = []
# create our search state
x = lambda a: a
state = GetAndStore(self, info_hash, port, callback, x, self.rawserver.add_task, 'getPeers', "announcePeer")
self.rawserver.external_add_task(state.goWithNodes, 0, (nodes, l))
def krpc_get_peers(self, info_hash, id, _krpc_sender):
sender = {'id' : id}
sender['host'] = _krpc_sender[0]
sender['port'] = _krpc_sender[1]
n = self.Node().initWithDict(sender)
self.insertNode(n, contacted=0)
l = self.retrieveValues(info_hash)
if len(l) > 0:
return {'values' : [reducePeers(l)],
"token" : self.get_token(sender['host'], sender['port'])}
nodes = self.table.findNodes(info_hash, invalid=False)
nodes = [node.senderDict() for node in nodes]
return {'nodes' : packNodes(nodes),
"token" : self.get_token(sender['host'], sender['port'])}