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184 lines
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# The contents of this file are subject to the BitTorrent Open Source License
# Version 1.1 (the License). You may not copy or use this file, in either
# source code or executable form, except in compliance with the License. You
# may obtain a copy of the License at
# Software distributed under the License is distributed on an AS IS basis,
# WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License
# for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the
# License.
# Written by Uoti Urpala and Andrew Loewenstern
from BitTorrent.platform import bttime
def minctx(a,b):
A = B = 0
if a.rate > 0:
A = a.offset_amount / a.rate
if b.rate > 0:
B = b.offset_amount / b.rate
if A <= B:
return a
return b
class Dummy(object):
def __init__(self, next):
self.next_upload = next
def send_partial(self, size):
return 0
closed = False
class RateLimitedGroup(object):
def __init__(self, rate, got_exception):
self.got_exception = got_exception
# limiting
self.check_time = 0
self.lasttime = bttime()
self.offset_amount = 0
# accounting
self.count = 0
self.counts = []
def set_rate(self, new_rate):
self.rate = new_rate * 1024
self.check_time = 0
self.offset_amount = 0
class MultiRateLimiter(object):
def __init__(self, sched):
self.sched = sched
self.last = None
self.upload_rate = 0
self.unitsize = 17000
self.offset_amount = 0
self.ctxs = [] # list of contexts with connections in the queue
self.ctx_counts = {} # dict conn -> how many connections each context has
def set_parameters(self, rate, unitsize):
if unitsize > 17000:
# Since data is sent to peers in a round-robin fashion, max one
# full request at a time, setting this higher would send more data
# to peers that use request sizes larger than standard 16 KiB.
# 17000 instead of 16384 to allow room for metadata messages.
unitsize = 17000
self.upload_rate = rate * 1024
self.unitsize = unitsize
self.lasttime = bttime()
self.offset_amount = 0
def queue(self, conn, ctx):
assert conn.next_upload is None
if ctx not in self.ctxs:
ctx.check_time = 1
self.ctx_counts[ctx] = 1
self.ctx_counts[ctx] += 1
if self.last is None:
self.last = conn
conn.next_upload = conn
conn.next_upload = self.last.next_upload
self.last.next_upload = conn
self.last = conn
def increase_offset(self, bytes):
self.offset_amount += bytes
def try_send(self, check_time = False):
t = bttime()
cur = self.last.next_upload
self.offset_amount -= (t - self.lasttime) * self.upload_rate
self.offset_amount = max(self.offset_amount, -1 * self.upload_rate)
self.lasttime = t
for ctx in self.ctxs:
if ctx.rate == 0:
ctx.offset_amount = 0
if ctx.lasttime != t:
ctx.offset_amount -=(t - ctx.lasttime) * ctx.rate
ctx.lasttime = t
if ctx.check_time:
ctx.offset_amount = max(ctx.offset_amount, 0)
min_offset = reduce(minctx, self.ctxs)
ctx = cur.encoder.context.rlgroup
while (self.offset_amount <= 0 and min_offset.offset_amount <= 0) or self.upload_rate == 0:
if ctx.offset_amount <= 0:
bytes = cur.send_partial(self.unitsize)
except KeyboardInterrupt:
except Exception, e:
cur = self.last.next_upload
bytes = 0
if self.upload_rate > 0:
self.offset_amount += bytes
if ctx.rate > 0:
ctx.offset_amount += bytes
ctx.count += bytes
if bytes == 0 or not cur.connection.is_flushed():
if self.last is cur:
self.last = None
cur.next_upload = None
self.ctx_counts = {}
self.ctxs = []
self.last.next_upload = cur.next_upload
cur.next_upload = None
old = ctx
cur = self.last.next_upload
ctx = cur.encoder.context.rlgroup
self.ctx_counts[old] -= 1
if self.ctx_counts[old] == 0:
if min_offset == old:
min_offset = reduce(minctx, self.ctxs)
self.last = cur
cur = cur.next_upload
ctx = cur.encoder.context.rlgroup
min_offset = reduce(minctx, self.ctxs)
self.last = cur
cur = self.last.next_upload
ctx = cur.encoder.context.rlgroup
myDelay = minCtxDelay = 0
if self.upload_rate > 0:
myDelay = self.offset_amount / self.upload_rate
if min_offset.rate > 0:
minCtxDelay = min_offset.offset_amount / min_offset.rate
delay = max(myDelay, minCtxDelay)
self.sched(self.try_send, delay)
def clean_closed(self):
if self.last is None:
orig = self.last
if self.last.closed:
self.last = Dummy(self.last.next_upload)
self.last.encoder = orig.encoder
c = self.last
while True:
if c.next_upload is orig:
c.next_upload = self.last
if c.next_upload.closed:
o = c.next_upload
c.next_upload = Dummy(c.next_upload.next_upload)
c.next_upload.encoder = o.encoder
c = c.next_upload